Membership Guidelines 2023
2023 AOTMX Membership Price Increase – Explanation
A.O.T.M.X 2023 Membership Guidelines
Membership Types:
Full Racing Membership
- Full Racing Membership– Racer’s 30yrs(ID may be requested to validate age at any time) of age can become a Member with all the rights and privileges of membership including voting on club issues as well as holding an Executive position within the club. This membership allows a member in good standing to sponsor one (1) Associate Racing Member. Riders must have reached their thirtieth (30th) birthday to be a Full Racing Member.
- If a support rider’s Full Racing Member is not in attendance a Full Racing member that is attending the race can sponsor a rider for the event. Sponsoring members will be responsible for the rider(s) that are not minors.
- New Full Racing Members (not renewal) are required to attend (race) at least one race in the current season before the above guideline can be used by their support rider(s).
- If a support rider’s Full Racing Member is not in attendance a Full Racing member that is attending the race can sponsor a rider for the event. Sponsoring members will be responsible for the rider(s) that are not minors.
- All racing members 14 and older MUST meet volunteer Requirements.
Associate Racing Membership
- Associate Racing Memberships– Racer 25yrs (ID may be requested to validate age at any time) of age can become an Associate Member with all the rights and privileges of membership except for voting on club issues. Rider must have reached their twenty-fifth (25th) birthday to be an Associate Racing Member.
- An existing Full Racing Member in good standing MUSTsponsor Associate Racing Memberships.
- Full Racing Members can only sponsor ONE Associate Racing Membership per year and be an active racing member. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the executive in the event of an injury or other extenuating circumstance that prevents a Full Racing Member from racing.
- Sponsoring Full Racing Member is responsible for their sponsored Associate Member.
- An existing Full Racing Member in good standing MUSTsponsor Associate Racing Memberships.
- All racing members 14 and older MUST meet volunteer Requirements.
The club does not allow anyone under the age of 25yrs to become a member.
Membership Fees:
- Full Racing Membership & Associate Racing Membership: Both Memberships include the use of A.O.T.M.X practice tracks – Westlock & Vegreville.
- Single Membership $200.00 (No spouse or support riders.)
- Family Membership $350.00
- This membership includes support riders:
- Spouse
- Children (under the age of 25yrs)
- All Minors under the membership are REQUIRED to have a Parent or Legal Guardian present at all times at A.O.T.M.X events or they are NOT allowed to participate.
- The Main Membership holder MUST be an active racing member. (Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the executive in the event of an injury or other extenuating circumstance that prevents Main Membership holder from racing.)
- This membership includes support riders:
- Track Membership (non-racing) $300.00 (Includes BOTH tracks – Westlock & Vegreville)
2024 memberships will be under review for members who do not fulfill the required 2023 Volunteer work.
Membership Volunteer Requirements:
Volunteer work is needed for our events to run, for this reason, volunteering is part of becoming an A.O.T.M.X member. Members who do not fulfill required volunteer work WILL NOT be considered a member in good standing. Members who are not in good standing are subject to have their membership/membership renewal reviewed by AOTMX Executive.
- 2023 Membership (Full & Associate) Volunteer requirement:
- ALL Racing Members 14 years or older are required to flag 1 shift for every 2 days raced.
If racing when flagging is provided (i.e. International, Calgary) flagging at an alternative weekend is still required to make up for days raced.
All-day flaggers can be paid up to $100/day at race series events. Flaggers must be 14 years or older and competent to flag to ensure the safety of all racers. Flaggers under 14 years old will be approved at the discretion of the executive. Any flagger paid by the theA.O.T.M.X. WILL NOT count towards volunteer time.
- Other examples of qualifying volunteer work:
- Track work; track prep, watering, rock picking, equipment donation for race/track work, and really anything that helps the club.
2024 memberships will be under review for members who do not fulfill the required 2023 Volunteer work.
Race Classes
To participate in the +30 or +40 classes as riders must have reached their thirtieth (30th) and fortieth (40th) birthday respectively to race that class.
- A rider’s age in the +50, +60, +70, +75, and +80 Classes shall be determined by their birthday reached prior to the end of the calendar year.
A.O.T.M.X. Race Series Classes
- +80
- +75
- +70 – Master, Expert, Intermediate, Novice
- +60 – Master, Expert, Intermediate, Novice
- +50 – Master, Expert, Intermediate, Novice
- +40 – Master, Expert, Intermediate, Novice
- +30 – Master, Expert, Intermediate, Novice
- Ladies – A, B
- Under 30 – Expert, Intermediate, Novice (No small-wheeled bikes allowed.)
- 85cc
- 65cc
Club Rules
A.O.T.M.X. follows the Oldtimers MX Association International Committee (IOTMX) Rules and Procedures. The following rules listed below are in addition to.
- Quiet Time – 11:00 pm (ie. NO – yelling, loud music, excessive partying)
- Zero Tolerance – Racing while under the influence is NOT allowed. Includes alcohol and drugs; during the day or the following day after partying the night before.
- No Racing While Injured – Puts the safety of yourself and fellow racers on the track at risk. (Will be assessed case by case basis by AOTMX Executive.)
- 85cc riders second class into U-30 novice – Must second class with a 125cc & up adult-sized bike (ie. yz125, crf250r, etc.).
- 65cc riders second class into 85cc class – Must be with an 85cc class bike (i.e. 85cc & CRF150, etc.).
- 50cc riders in the 65cc class – Need to be riding KTM/Husqvarna/GasGas 50-SR (the bigger 50) to ride in the 65cc class.(Updated 2023)
– Rider needs to be min 7 years of age to be eligible to ride 50cc in 65cc class.
– Rider would be considered a 65cc rider so a family membership would be required.
– Will not be eligible for the 50cc race at lunch time.
– The AOTMX executive will monitor the 65cc riders pace and conduct for safety and reserve the authority to remove a child from the race.
- Ladies class riders who are U- 30 – Can second class to the appropriate class based on their age, pace, and/or bike size.
- Race Skill Level/Sandbagging – The A.O.T.M.X. relies on sportsmanship and proper judgment when deciding the appropriate skill level. It is the responsibility of the rider to move up as their skill level improves.
- Mandatory Rider’s Meeting – ALL Registered Racers must attend rider’s meetings. Names will be called at random to validate attendance. Racers that are caught skipping rider’s meetings will have a penalty imposed at the discretion of the executive, which may include ineligibility to race. All rules and instructions at the rider’s meeting are to be followed.
- Practice Track Codes – Gate combinations to both Westlock and Vegreville are to be kept confidential.
- Race Cancellations – Executive will decide race cancellations based on weather factors and/or track conditions. The decision will be made in the interest of safety. Registration may be delayed to assess factors in making a decision whether to race or cancel.
- ZERO REFUNDS – There will be NO REFUNDS for Race Cancellations and/or Injury. It is expected that riders are aware of weather forecasts when registering for an event. Riders have the option to register for one day at a time. The club incurs costs when hosting an event, even if it is canceled that all entry fees help cover these costs (ie. insurance, porta-potty, track prep costs, ambulance, etc.).
- No Pit Bikes – There will be no pit bikes allowed at any race series events or international. The executive on a case-by-case basis can make exceptions, approval is required.
- Riding in the Pits – First gear only, helmets must be worn, and no doubling. Your race bike is not a pit bike and can only be ridden in the pits when going to and from the line for racing.
Practice Track Rules
Prior to Riding:
It is a privilege for AOTMX to have practice tracks that our members are able to go out and ride at. However, within the track lease agreements, insurance and liability there are rules. Our tracks are not monitored at the gate and it is the responsibility of the AOTMX Member to understand and help enforce these rules. Failure to do so can result in memberships voided or the removal of our practice tracks.
- MUST have a 2023 Membership in order to ride/practice.
- MUST sign a daily waiver form located at the back of the shack for Kuster MX Park and box by bleachers at Vegreville. Minors have their own waivers that parents/guardians must sign and be present while riding.
- Obey all track rules.
- NO QUADS! Dirt bikes only!
- All riders must have AOTMX membership and sign in prior to riding.
- No bringing non-members to track with you to ride.
- Season’s pass holders must be able to show proof of their season’s pass if requested.
- No riding alone you must have at least 1 competent person with you at all times while riding at the facility.
- Absolutely no alcohol will be tolerated before or while riding. No drugs or illegal substances are allowed at any time.
- Riders under the age of 18 must have a legal guardian present at all times.
- Wear appropriate protective equipment at all times when riding.
- Always lock the gate behind you when entering and exiting the facility.
- Obey all other rules posted at track.
Reminder: Do not lose your membership card as it is required at sign-in and proof when riding at tracks. There is a $5.00 replacement fee if lost. Track Memberships will be mailed out once processed. All Full Racer and Associate Memberships can be picked up at sign-in on Race Weekend.
Before heading out to ride check the website homepage under “AOTMX Track Closure Times/Dates”. This is where you can find the times the tracks are open and when they will be closed. Please also take into consideration daily weather as track closure due to weather may not always be updated.
When Tracks are Opened – These are private club tracks and those without memberships cannot ride, as they are not covered under the A.O.T.M.X. lease agreement, insurance and liability. If you see someone riding on the track and they can’t show proof of membership, please ask them to leave or contact the number posted on the track sign at the track entrance.